Original title: The letter in which Macedonia gives up the Macedonian nationality (PHOTO)

By sending a Note Verbale from Dimitrov to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece by Dimitrov, Macedonia gives up the Macedonian nationality and the origin of the Macedonian language!

Link to the original article here.

Link to the archived original article here.


The text spins the essence of the Note Verbal. The targeted Note Verbal sent by the Ministry of Foreign affairs is a usual formal notice in which, in accordance with international contract law, RNM, as a contracting party to the Final Agreement, notifies Greece, as a second contracting party of the Final Agreement, that all internal legal procedures for entry into force of the Final Agreement, are finished. This note is specific, because besides the elementary information, it contains information that the Parliament has adopted the constitutional changes and the constitutional law (as an obligation prescribed by the Final Agreement). The explanation regarding the citizenship (nationality) is already contained within the Final Agreement and it should not be related to the ethnicity, because it refers only to the legal relationship of the citizens with the state, that is, their citizenship. In order to support the debunking, enclosed is the tabular explanation of the differences between citizenship (nationality) and ethnicity.

These clarifications are obtained from “Ethnicity Definition in Sociology” , Dual Nationality in the European Union: A Study on Changing Norms in PublicEuropean Convention on Nationality and Explanatory Report to the European Convention on Nationality.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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