This week, the pro-Kremlin media’s focus on the US shifted from disinformation about the racial injustice protests to fabricated accusations of other American misdeeds around the world.

Let’s take a brief look at this week’s fake news attacks against the United States.


On the protests…

American society is experiencing a “systemic collapse”, which has been underway for a long time but now made obvious thanks to the demonstrations. Deliveries of bricks for use as “weapons of destruction” are taking place across US cities. The protests will end for the US just as Euromaidan did for Ukraine: in corruption, Nazism, and separatism. After all, they are no more than a “colour revolution” of the same sort that the US has supported around the world – only this time promoted by the Democratic Party, Bill Gates, and George Soros. Washington is finally getting a taste of its own medicine – an attempt at regime change to oust President Trump!


On the media…

Facebook’s decision to label state-sponsored media outlets ahead of the 2020 US presidential election predictably drew the ire of the pro-Kremlin media. The decision was derided as an “anachronistic propaganda tool”, followed by accusations of censorship and Facebook being controlled by the CIA. Ironically, at the same time, Radio Liberty and Voice of America also faced pro-Kremlin disinformation attacks, accused of being “pathetic propagandists” and having nothing at all to do with media.


On destabilising Russia, its neighbours, and Europe…

This is arguably the pro-Kremlin media’s favourite line of attack against the US: Washington is an agent of malign influence all over the world, provoking tensions between Russia and its neighbours, occupying Europe, financing protests in Hong Kong in order to destabilise China, and so on. A recurring theme is alleged US funding of biological laboratories in Eastern Europe – a source of leaked viruses and secret experiments. For example, NewsFront tells us that the Pentagon is supposedly carrying out experiments in Ukraine that it does not dare perform on US soil due to the extreme threat level. Moreover, US biolabs in Ukraine threaten Russia because US experts there are collecting dangerous disease strains. The Lugar Lab in Georgia (a particularly frequent target of pro-Kremlin disinformation) is developing bioweapons to target the South Ossetian population.

You can read the whole article here.


Source: EUvsDisinfo




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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