Original title: THE SOCIAL MEASURE FACEBOOK “VIOLATED” THE SILENCE: For Facebook today we vote on North Macedonian presidential elections!

In this text it is stated that the social network (or, according to the portal, MEASURE) Facebook has violated the election silence, calling upon the citizens to vote on Election Day. Additionally, the author stated that Facebook calls the elections in North Macedonia “North Macedonian”, which, according to them, is tragic.

Original article

Archived article


Facebook is global social network, and by reminding the citizens to vote on 21 April does not conduct violation. Namely, an information about conducting elections in certain country does not mean violation of election silence. In the information it is stated that election are being conducted, which is a fact.

From the nature of this network, it is widely known that when large number of users share that they conduct the same activity, Facebook registers this, and in order to be closer to its users, it informs them that it knows them well and that it is acquainted with the happenings in their country.

Regarding the name and the naming of the elections in North Macedonia, it does not follow that if in Macedonian the phrase is “elections in North Macedonia”, the phrase in English will be the same. This is just a question of style and it does not have other purpose that will change the essence of the name of North Macedonia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a Guide for the foreign journalists about the usage of the name of the country. In it, the usage of the terminology related to the name of the country is precisely stated. In case of incorrect usage of the defined terms, one does not have to immediately develop conspiracy theories.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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