Original title: Germany also said “no” to the start of the first intergovernmental conference

The portal twists and incompletely transmits the statement of the German Minister for European Affairs, Michael Roth, in order to create a public impression that Germany was also against the start of the first intergovernmental conference, which is not true at all. On the contrary, there is hope that the two countries will find a compromise before the end of the German EU presidency on December 31st.

On November 17th, the Express portal published an article titled Germany also said “no” to the start of the first intergovernmental conference. The content of the text has a part of the statement of the German Minister for European Affairs, Michael Roth: “If you have a bilateral conflicts that cannot be resolved in the next few weeks, now is not the time to start the first intergovernmental conference.” From this part of the statement, the portal probably bases its conclusion derived as the title of the published text.


The headline contains disinformation, because it presents a conclusion which represents a complete twist of the events before, during and after the meeting of the Council of Ministers in Brussels. The German Minister Michael Rot, whose statement is used for the manipulation in the headline, gave it in the capacity of chairman of the EU Council, and in no way can be considered to represent the official position of Germany on this issue.

After a meeting of the European affairs ministers, German Foreign Minister Michael Roth, who chaired the EU Council of Ministers, said: “Bulgaria cannot agree on the start of negotiations because of two important issues. Unanimity was needed from all 27 member states. Those issues need to be clarified in order to adopt the negotiating framework.”

Not only did the author of the text spin the statement, but he also failed to convey the rest where Roth says he still hopes the countries will find a compromise before the end of the German presidency on December 31st. Accession talks were officially scheduled to begin in December. “With goodwill and courage, we need to be able to do that, and both countries have shown courage over the last year,” Roth said. “The Western Balkans need a clear signal.” He also said all obstacles should be removed, as Albania and North Macedonia have achieved much in the European integration process.

His statements regarding the meeting of the EU Council of Ministers held on November 17th in Brussels, at which, due to Bulgaria’s opposition, the negotiating framework for North Macedonia was not approved, which do not correspond at all to the title of the text published by the Express portal. The text is an attempt to manipulate the public, by presenting a false image that Germany allegedly did not agree to start negotiations, which is not true at all. Germany did not say “no” to the start of the first intergovernmental conference. On the contrary, as can be seen from previous statements, Germany, as an EU member state currently holding the presidency of the European Council, is committed to starting the negotiations during its presidency.

This disinformation article aims to incite and increase public dissatisfaction with the European integration process. The transmission of inaccurate information only further fuels the negative feeling of the public at this sensitive moment, when all attention is focused on the obstacles that have emerged on the path of our country’s accession to the European Union.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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