On September 23, 2019, the Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, an environmental activist from Sweden, found herself in the world’s attention. In her address to the world leaders at the UN headquarters in New York, she warned them to take action and warn them of the consequences that the future generations of young people will face over the passive response of the passive global leadership on the climate issues. This has triggered an avalanche of public reactions all around the world. She, with her speech, became a target of criticism.
The Russian state-owned media have also been critical of Greta. Some Russian media have used Greta to point to the trend of child abuse activists around the world.
Ria Novosti said that the new world peace leader is promising a disaster for Russia, and RT has accused her of sowing fear. “The Greta- bomb, an autistic girl as a weapon” is one of the headlines of the Russian media.
The the German version of Sputnik described her as a political suicide. The text states that the European Parliament is using Greta to cover up an alleged suspected organization led to cover up NATO.
This narrative against NATO and the European Parliament was reinforced by the “West Against Russia” agenda, through: RIA Novosti, kp.ru, Telekanal Zvezda, Russian Dialogue, The newspaper Caucasus, Arguments and Facts and RT.
The Russian National Translation Service has published 6 translations related to Greta by 30.09.2019. The articles are followed by aggressive comments against people with autism.
The narrative against Greta includes everything, and even speculation, that her parents in Sweden have been accused of child abuse by the social services. And this accusation is only part of the Kremlin’s narrative against global warming, EUVSDISINFO revealed.
Even Soros is not excluded from the Russian media narrative in reporting on the “wretched” Greta Thunberg.
Why is the Kremlin afraid of Greta
The Kremlin media have found a strong conspiracy in Greta and her activism. They recognized a powerful political tool against Russia and China in her. This conspiracy theory is underpinned by the misinformation that the global warming is a deception of the West against Russia.
Russia has previously claimed to carry a huge burden as a result of the Paris Agreement. Again “West against Russia” is in the narrative of the climate change. Greta is also included as a climate mafia tool to reduce living standards.
Global warming is a global conspiracy against Russia, the Kremlin says.
Basically, the existence of climate change is a matter of scientific consensus, and only a handful of scientists dispute it. The earth is warming, and the effects are becoming more and more noticeable today. Prevention of climate change is one of the key EU priorities.
Therefore, Greta became a challenge. She doesn’t respect the stereotypes of a sixteen year old girl. Greta has become a target because she is the face of a worldwide mass movement and the Kremlin media cannot accept her. It quickly provokes reactions and can spark strong protests. If the Kremlin accepts this, there is a danger that the Russian citizens will understand why they have been deprived of their right to a peaceful protest led by a woman.
That is why the Kremlin media portray her as a sick little girl who is as stupid as she is naive. With this narrative they try to control her effect on the public.
They are not the only ones in the unease that was caused by the young Swedish activist. But unlike the others who denied, the Kremlin media is strongly committed to finding a big conspiracy against Greta and her activism. She is presented by them as a global, popular, eco-fascist tool against Russia and China, created by the green energy giants to be their mouths to the public, while at the same time being a victim of child abuse.
The Macedonian media also follow Greta’s narrative: from global climate leader to a manipulated child
Greta Thunberg’s message, as well as the dilemmas about her abilities because of the fact that she is a child, have appeared in the Macedonian media. Here also she has become a target of tumultuous reactions, both by the Macedonian media and by public figures.
F2N2‘s analysis show that there is no uniqueness in the representation of her image in the media. From admiring her speech to questioning her abilities as a manipulated child – these are the emerging narratives.
On one hand are the media that broadcast her speech, emphasizing the emotional power and strong social message of her speech that should touch the world globally:
“Young activist Greta Tunberg to world leaders: “If you betray us, my generation will never forgive you” is the most common narrative followed by most of the media: MIA, Telma, Radio MOF, Sloboden Pecat, Plusinfo, Kaigana, Vecer Press, Lider, Nezavisen and other media.
Offnet also writes about the Greta effect. According to their analysis, she has stimulated young people’s appetite for change, but has also encouraged editors to pay more attention to climate as a topic.
This was not the only narrative about Greta in the Macedonian media. Some of them carefully followed and transmitted the insults about Greta. For example, Republika quoted the attitude of Fox News: Thunberg is a mentally ill Swedish child, a horror movie character.
Russia Beyond quoted the Russian President Putin, who does not share the world’s admiration for Greta.
“According to Putin’s opinion, no one has explained to Greta that “the modern world is complex and diverse, that it is rapidly developing and that people in Africa or many Asian countries want to live at the same level of well-being as those living in Sweden”.
“And how to achieve that? They should get them to use the sun’s energy, which Africa has enough of. Has anyone explained to her how much it costs?”, the Russian president asks. He added that the ideas for development of renewable energy sources should be supported, but that we should start from the real facts.”- Russia Beyond quoted through its branch in the country, referring to Putin’s speech.
Putin’s opinion on Greta was also quoted by Nova Makedonija:
“The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has said he does not share his enthusiasm about the speech by the Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg at the United Nations. He condemned, as he said, the exploitation of children and teenagers for the pursuit of foreign interests.”- Nova Makedonija writes.
A columnist in Lider, presents Greta as a child who is being instrumentalized:
“Greta is a symbol, not to the fight against climate change, but she is a symbol of the power of the media and machineries that Greta saw as their high-earning money project.”
Kurir writes about what Greta looks like without a “pre-prepared speech”:
Greta is a project of the great powers and she herself would not have the capacity to carry the burden of the global promotion of her ideas.
The US President Trump didn’t remain immune neither to Greta Thunberg; he caused widespread media reaction on Twitter in an attempt to be witty. For example, his tweet about Greta was: “She looks like a very happy young girl who is looking forward to a bright and beautiful future. So nice to see!” sparked serious and sharp media reactions from VOX, Forbes, Independent, Huffpost and many others. The common conclusion to this, in their opinion, highly offensive and sarcastic tweet is that the President of the United States has crossed the line when it comes to a girl who favors social good.
Given the above, an impression prevails that, although there are exceptions, the great world’s players still seem essentially unprepared and committed to confronting perhaps the greatest enemy of the planet and humanity.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.