Original title: What connects the Spanish flu with COVID-19?

Another conspiracy theory for the coronavirus, which aims to undermine the reputation and undermine the trust in international institutions. A genuine, United Nations-backed charity has been misplaced as part of an anti-Western narrative aimed at undermining trust in institutions, the system, and global efforts and measures to prevent the pandemic from spreading.

On October 31st , the Dudinka portal published an article entitled “What connects the Spanish flu with COVID-19?“. The content of the text is disinformative, with elements of conspiracy theory.

The author of the text, Milenko Nedelkovski, sharing this conspiracy theory on his Facebook profile, added in the description of the post “Be stupid, be slaves – wear masks“. The source of this content is the Facebook page Promijenite Svoju Svijest (Change your consciousness), which in its publication refers to articles published by the portal Dokumentarac (Documentary), although they do not contain this conspiracy theory.

According to this conspiracy theory, there is an alleged connection between a doctor in the US Army, Frederick L. Gates, who is a historical figure, with Bill Gates. In 1918, during the Spanish flu pandemic, Dr. Gates, in collaboration with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University), tested the vaccine on thousands of people. Although it is stated that there are no records that confirm that the two are related, it is still claimed that they have in common that they are allegedly fans of vaccine experiments. The author also claims that there is an alleged connection between Bill Gates and Rockefeller, because their foundations are allegedly partners in the so-called Alliance ID2020 – an alliance of the world’s largest corporations that allegedly teamed up to implement personal biometric data through vaccines to people all over the world, for their even greater and easier control.


Conspiracy theories about the ID2020 Alliance are not new. Bosnia and Hercegovina’s Fact-Finding Service, Raskrinkavanje, exposes this conspiracy theory in one of their analyzes. Namely, the ID2020 Alliance is a public-private partnership between the United Nations Office for Partnerships and several private companies, established in May 2016. According to the data available on the initiative’s website, among the organizations registered as founding partners are Accenture, Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, GAVI and IDEO, while other partners are Mercy Corps, Care, CITRIS Policy Lab and others.

The aim of the initiative is to meet one of the goals of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development by 2030, namely goal 16.9, which reads: “by 2030, to enable all [residents] to have a legal identity, including birth registration “.

The Alliance does not manufacture any specific digital identity technologies but provides advisory services and / or financial support for the implementation of digital identity projects. Digital identity is defined as the “group of digital identifiers” that all users of digital technologies have.

On the other hand, it is stated that over a billion people in the world do not have access to any kind of identification (such as lack of personal documents), nor digital identity. In the Alliance 2020 manifesto, both issues are listed as areas of interest for the project, and the establishment of a “good digital identity” (enabling legal identification of undocumented persons / legal identity on the one hand, and control over personal data on the other) , is treated as a basic and universal human right.

From what has been said, there is no connection between the Spanish flu and COVID-19, nor any secret plan of Rockefeller and Bill Gates. This is just another in a series of Bill Gates conspiracy theories that have emerged during the pandemic, aimed at undermining trust in institutions, the system, and global efforts and measures to prevent the pandemic from spreading.

You can read more details about the conspiracy theories related to the Alliance ID2020, chipping and vaccines, in the Rakrinkavanje analysis.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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