Original title:  Guri’s mistresses Daniela and Lukarevska

On 29.07.2019 the portal Dokaz published an article that is a disinformation, and with which it intends to discredit the designated individuals.

Link to the articleDokaz


This article is a complete disinformation that fails to adhere to basic journalistic professional standards and principles.

The whole article is based on a phone message, which is transmitted as it was received. The message is not checked if it is correct. This whole article is unethical. Nowhere in the text is there any evidence to support the scandalous discrimination and labeling of the individuals mentioned.

The purpose of this article is to discredit reputation, rather than professional journalistic reporting.

The portal has repeatedly attempted to discredit the Public Revenue Office’s Director. Journalists and the media must not impart unverified information that endangers human rights or freedoms, nor should they discriminate. The Portal Dokaz often discriminates women, which is unacceptable.

The media and journalists must cherish culture and ethics in their reporting. This type of media communication is inappropriate and is unacceptable for a professional journalist or media outlet.

The media must abide by the rules of professional reporting.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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