A Facebook profile known for conspiracy theories and disinformation makes nebulous claims about US Vice President Mike Pence, without offering any evidence. There are indications that this is unauthorized behavior and the sharing of false anti-Western narratives by people from many countries

On November 13th , the Facebook profile of Tyson Mike (known for spreading various conspiracy theories and disinformation) published disinformation related to US Vice President Mike Pence. The post states that Mike Pence was actually a clone, and the “real” Mike Pence was executed on July 4, 2019. In addition, according to the author of the post, Mike Pence was accused of abusing and killing 186 babies, as well as that together with Paul Ryan they tried to kill Donald Trump. No evidence was published in the post to support the author’s claim.

Searching the internet, the F2N2 team failed to find a single post stating that the US vice president had been executed, that he had been accused of killing babies or that he had twice attempted to assassinate Donald Trump.

The published photo was taken from a Twitter post posted on October 8th. In a Twitter post, the author claims that Mike Pence was created in a test tube, so we can easily conclude where the conspiracy theory placed on the Facebook profile comes from. The reaction of Facebook, which marked the post as false information, is to be welcomed.

The F2N2 team assessed this text as disinformation due to the fact that no appropriate evidence was offered for any of the allegations.

Despite the obvious lies and manipulation, what is worrying is that this post has been shared 40 times.

Vice President Pence is not the only American politician to be the subject of conspiracy theories. For Hillary Clinton he claims her to be a “psychopath”, while for former US President Barack Obama he also claims that he is a clone.

What is worrying is the fact that his posts have a very large number of shares. For example, his November 20th post, which reads “The Vatican has a satanic exterior and interior architecture“, was shared 85 times in two hours! This suggests that it may be unauthorized behavior and malicious sharing of fake news from a number of profiles. The origin of the profiles indicates that people from several countries are involved. Despite the fact that this is a threat to the religious rights of Catholics, it is worth mentioning that the Catholic Church has long been the subject of various disinformation from Russia. European politicians are also subject to insults, such as the photo montage with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which he associates with Satanism.

One of his main sources of information is Russia Today, whose content he often shares.




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