VMRO DPMNE Member of the Parliament Antonio Miloshoski, on the Parliament session held on 25.07.2019, in his address made false statement once more. According to him, certain information/speculations appeared in public that a Bitola businessman was victim of money extortion from an official of the ruling party. Miloshoski stated that the businessman sought protection from the alleged extortion from the Belarus Embassy in Belgrade, Serbia that is in charge of the Republic of North Macedonia.

The disinformation was broadcasted by the following portals: MagazinRepublikaVecerLibertasLider.


The F2N2  team wrote about the disinformatin statements made by the MP Miloshoski on two other occasions. If in these two consecutive attempts the MP Miloshoski used the twitter to place the disinformation in public, this time he misused the Parliament floor for that same purpose.

The Belarus Embassy in a clean Macedonian language denied his claim / question and qualified it as a Fake News. According to the announcement by this Embassy a Note Verbal will be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia.

When Member of the Parliament and ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs is the source of disinformation and fake news in more than one occasion, then the need for institutional and organized approach in the fight against this global phenomenon is justified and necessary.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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