An analysis of the probability for atomic bombs to cause earthquake and devastating tsunami

Several Macedonian internet portals have taken over a news from foreign press agencies about the pompous announcement of the inauguration of the new Russian submarine “Belgorod” by the Russian president Vladimir Putin, which, as the portals reported, will be equipped with “nuclear heads which can cause a devastating tsunamiA1on was among the first to publish this article in the Republic of North Macedonia, while the article itself could be found on the following link.

This seemingly naïve thesis is a serious topic for research and debate on a higher level. Therefore, the aim of our analysis is to test these hypotheses and, through the presentation of the facts to test the probability of the creation of the so-called “nuclear tsunami”.

The main findings from the analysis are the following:

  • The nuclear tsunami is a MYTH! Nonetheless, the nuclear drone in a form of gigantic torpedo would be a great danger for the hostile’s army harbors and submarines due to the ability to pierce deeply into their territory or to approach to its submarines without being detected. Depending on the yield of the nuclear warhead, even if the nuclear drone-torpedo explodes on a certain distance from the submarines, they still can cause serious damages on the enemy’s submarines;

  • The idea of having super-powerful nuclear torpedo originates from the prominent nuclear physics Andrei Sakharov, who also played a crucial role in building the biggest nuclear bomb ever built – the Tsar Bomba;

  • Russia’s President Vladimir Putin revealed that 300 new models of weaponry, including 18 new ICBMs, 2 submarine-based ballistic missiles and underwater drones, will increase the defense capabilities of the Russian Federation in the forthcoming years;

  • The underwater drone armed with nuclear warhead is still in prototype stage and the nuclear propulsion system [to date] has not been tested, yet;

  • According to the standard formula, the earthquake of 9.0 magnitude has a power equivalent of a 32 Mt thermonuclear bomb, or compared, the 2Mts bomb is 16.6 times weaker than а earthquake of magnitude 9.0;

  • The 2011 Tohoku earthquake registered near East coast of Honshu (Japan) was of magnitude 9.1, which released energy equivalent to 9.3 million megatons of TNT energy that created a devastating tsunami. So, if we calculate the energy, the 2Mt bomb is 4,6 million times weaker than the 2011 Tohoku earthquake that caused devastating tsunami waves.

  • The biggest nuclear bomb ever tested, the Soviet-made Tsar Bomba of 58Mt (tested on 30 October 1961), is nearly 162,000 (1.62 x 105) times weaker than the 2011 Tohoku tsunami.

This analysis has been prepared for the project F2N2, conducted by the Citizens Association MOST, and whose aim is fact-checking and combating fake news and disinformation.

If you would like to learn more about the types of nuclear explosions, and their yield, please visit the following link.

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For additional infomration:

Citizens Association MOST
Londonska 9b , 1020 Skopje
Tel. 02/30 99 384, 30 99 385
Fax. 02/30 86 430
[email protected]




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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