Original title of the article: Organ harvesting in Macedonia a fact, police is involved

A foreign media publishes a speculative text, signed by a “Macedonian author”, in which it advocates the trafficking of organs of missing persons in the country. The text begins with a photograph of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to point out that the police is involved. The media, like in a film scenario, sets the story based on the tragic case of the disappeared woman that was found dead. The script is complemented with the attacked policemen in the municipality of Shuto Orizari. The outcome of the story is colored with a nationalistic undernote, in order to cause a sense of discrimination from the police officers who are allegedly involved in organ trafficking. The media does not refer to the MIA’s official information, suggesting that maybe the minister is not involved, but noting that he had remained silent and did not inform the public about the case. The site has no impressum, nor a way to contact.Link to the original article here.

The media hungry for such film plots accepted to start series:

Link to the article here.

The text in this case inserts data from medical sources, indicating that for organ trafficking, there is a criminal clash in the relation police-medicine. The media, names the Association for Security Research, Human Rights and Freedoms – BIPS as its source, whose mission shared on their Facebook profile is “Advocacy and lobbying to change the factors that contribute to endangering personal safety, traffic safety and the sense of security.”

Link to the archived original article here.


The media film script does not respect the journalistic principles and standards, it circumvents the ethics when reporting in sensitive cases, disregarding the rules for protecting personal identity and families in the tragedy. When publishing unconfirmed theses, the official information from the Ministry of Interior and forensic medicine are deliberately not included.

“Once again, I strongly deny the disinformation and the speculations in which the current cases of missing persons are being misused. I categorically reject the speculation about alleged hijackers and alleged resale of human organs. These are lies and disinformation. There are no cases of kidnapping, nor did the people who had taken their lives in the last few cases missed organs”,said Minister Oliver Spasovski at a press conference.

The Forensic Institute denies the speculation in the public that some of the deceased persons who were previously reported missing were taken organs from.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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