On April 27, through the social network Facebook, and through the FB page “Macedonia and Russia † Orthodox Union”, an inscription was shared entitled “Nostradamus, has mentioned the Drawn One” … #PoliticalHumor. Тhe article dated from October 2018, and says:
“There will come a time when Macedonia will be ruled by an incompetent and pestle ruler, who will try to destroy both the name of Macedonia and the Macedonians themselves, just to do good to other rulers, their masters. But it will not succeed because the people, or the Macedonians, will oust this ruler from the throne. After the arrival of the new king, things will normalize in Macedonia, and the new king of Macedonia will be faithful to the people and will not allow anyone to play with the name of Macedonia”.
The same inscription with the same content was published in 2018 by the web portal Makedonska Nacija, just before the signing of the Prespa Agreement.
It can be concluded that the alleged prophecy of Nostradamus, in this case, was used for propaganda and coincides with the current political moment, just before the signing of the Prespa Agreement, which specifically mentions Macedonia and the name change, made by an “unprofessional ruler”. The article mentions “a king who wants to change the name of Macedonia” and although the name of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is not written, it is completely clear that it implies to him. Although these articles have almost no journalistic endurance and are presented as a dark prophecy and legend, they still aim at the sensitivity of readers seeking a superstitious sense or a supernatural context for events. The text says “in modern times”, which is the first obstacle to the veracity of the text. Nostradamus never wrote a specific time, and his verses can be interpreted differently. Also, he rarely wrote the names of the countries, but he would only describe a geographic location. There is no evidence that in his books he mentions Macedonia many times. If indeed there is such a part for Macedonia, it is unclear why it is not in the verses. His prophecies were written in four lines, in verse and in the form of verses and riddles. In the article where it is claimed that Nostradamus wrote about Macedonia, the text that Nostradamus ostensibly wrote is not in verse, but a prose text, which was not the case with the work of Nostradamus wrote crithink.mk.
The F2N2 team has already written on this topic, More information can be found on the following link.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.