What is 5G technology?

5G networks are the latest generation of mobile internet connectivity, offering much higher speeds and more stable connections to smartphones and other devices than ever before. With the 5G connection, the speed of downloading data from the Internet of 1GBps is expected to become a common norm.

With the help of 5G networks, a telecommunications infrastructure is being provided through which millions of devices can be connected and huge data packets can be sent, which was unthinkable so far.

5G can support one million devices per square kilometer, and 4G hundred thousand users.


The first country to adopt 5G technology is South Korea and just hours after, the use of 5G started in several cities in the United States and then in several other countries.

5G radio hardware currently is sold by Huawei, ZTE, Nokia, Samsung and Ericsson.

Greater use of 5G technology is expected in 2020.

5G uses a spectrum of frequencies from 600 MHz to 6 GHz and also uses millimeter waves with a spectrum of 24 to 86 GHz.


If this sounds confusing, all you need to know about the frequency of 5G is that different companies use a different spectrum to transmit 5G data.

Radio waves include extremely low frequency (ELF), ultra low frequency (ULF), low frequency (LF), medium frequency (MF), ultra high frequency (UHF), and extremely high frequency (EHF).

One part of the radio spectrum has a high frequency of 30 GHz and 300 GHz and is often referred to as a millimeter frequency because the length of the waves is from 1 to 10 mm. These waves are a popular choice for 5G, but they are also used in radio astronomy, telecommunications and radar guns.

Why are these millimeter waves important? Because they can transmit huge amounts of data in a very short time.

Concerns in the United States

This spectrum is very close to the one that is used by the sources for weather forecast information, Earth observation systems, national security, etc.

Some scientists warn that mixing frequencies and loss of effective control is possible and that this is likely to have an impact on public safety. The first such concerns were demonstrated in the Department of Commerce at the US State Department. State Secretary for Trade Wilbur Ross recently said that with the implementation of 5G technology “everything will be related to everything”, that is, the so-called “Internet of Things” is developing, warning of the danger to national security, if the Chinese giant Huawei is allowed to install 5G infrastructure in the United States.

The United States also asked the allied countries to ban the use of Huawei’s equipment in their 5G networks, warning that Beijing could misuse this infrastructure of sensitive data for spying. This ban, according to analysts, will slow down the use of 5G technologies in the United States, although several cities have already joined this technology. While Russia, through information propaganda directed towards the Western world slows down the implementation of 5G technology, Washington banned Huawei for any inclusion of the 5G network in the United States and threatened not to allow Huawei to use US software and other components needed for this telecommunications business.

According to ShareAmerica.gov, Chinese telecommunications providers are required by law to serve the interests of the Chinese government and its intelligence services. If Huawei or another Chinese equipment manufacturer builds the basic 5G infrastructure in a country, then the Chinese government would have the ability to exercise control over that network.

“With all the services that come out of the 5G network, the stake in protecting these vital networks can’t be higher”, says Robert Strayer, a cyber diplomat at the US State Department. According to his statement given to PBS News Hour, “indeed, there is no difference between private sector companies and the government in China. The Chinese government can force companies to act … They are the subject of complete control of the Chinese Communist Party.”


In 2018, Russia Today, a TV channel supported by Moscow began publishing shows and TV articles related to the harmful effects on health, without providing any scientific evidence, proofs or studies. Attempts to do damage to the 5G reputation increased in 2019. Stories, shows, articles, primarily on media that work with Russian support, have started to spread warnings about the impact of 5G on health, diseases such as brain cancer, autism, infertility, Alzheimer’s etc.

At the same time, as these disinformation, or at least unconfirmed information and speculations keep spreading, the Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the launch of the 5G network in Russia in February 2019.

The New York Times in the text of May 12, 2019, in an article titled “Your 5G phone will not hurt you, but Russia wants you to think differently,” reveals how Russian propaganda works through their RT television, funded by Moscow. While the world is competing who will first introduce 5G technology that will connect automobiles, factories and cities, The Russian television in the show entitled “A Dangerous Experiment on Humanity” spreads lies and supposed hidden consequences of 5G, says the New York Times.

While the Russian media and those who spread the Russian propaganda that 5G is a harmful technology, Kremlin and Beijing are making a new 5G political block, according to the respectable American newspaper. The attacks are aimed at slowing down the use of 5G in the United States, and in the meantime to speed up the introduction of this technology in Russia and China. The first one to introduce this technology will be more competitive in providing new services to the world. They will reach faster the homes of the potential consumers, offer innovative industries, innovations in health and in the national security.

A few days ago Huawei signed an agreement with the largest Russian telecom operator MTS for the development of 5G technologies and the launch of the fifth generation networks in Russia in the next year.

Huawei, a Shenzhen company, found itself on the frontline of a trade war between the United States and China. Recently, one of the company’s top executives, the founder’s daughter, Meng Wangzhou was arrested in Canada after the charges filed by the United States.

Should we be concerned about the use of 5G technology?

Health – Is the effect of the 5G waves sufficiently investigated?

This is the question around which the world’s spears are breaking. There are arguments on one side that this technology is completely safe and on the other side that it can still have certain health effects.

For example, the capital of Belgium, through the Minister for Quality of Life, Environment and Energy, Celine Fremault, recently opposed the use of the 5G network and called for Belgian laws that govern radiation. That is, the city has asked to wait for the introduction of this technology because the effects for now are not sufficiently investigated.

Switzerland is among the first countries to introduce 5G technology, but Geneva, Switzerland also banned the use of 5G networks, although the Swiss Telecommunications Association said after the conducted researches declared that there was no indication that 5G could have an impact on human health.

A group of scientists from May 2015 to January 2019 collected signatures from 42 eminent scientists who claim that the electromagnetic waves and the extremely low frequencies used by 5G technology can have biological and health effects. The petition was sent to the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and other organizations. Other 170 scientists have sent a similar petition to the European Union.

The Finnish molecular biology expert and professor at the University of Helsinki, Darius Lezhinski also claims that the effects are not sufficiently explored. In an interview given for Euronews, he says that no one can say at this stage whether 5G technology is harmful or not, because the effects are not sufficiently explored. “The only assurance that is offered that this technology is not harmful, is the assumption that small amounts of radiation are not harmful. But the question lies with the effect of millimeters waves, known as extremely high frequencies, which means that we do not know what this will mean in practice for our immune system. The high-frequency waves penetrate only a few millimeters in the body, and this is considered to be insignificant for the health, by the industries. But our skin is the largest organ in the body and is associated with numerous things, such as the immune reaction,” explains Lezhinski.

5G opponents accuse that the high frequency technology will make the new phones and base stations extremely harmful. “The higher the frequency, the more dangerous it is for living organisms,” claims a RT reporter.

The truth is quite the opposite, according to scientists. The higher the radio frequency, the less it penetrates the human skin, which reduces the exposure of the internal organs, including the brain.

Studies in the United States show that 2G signals can cause brain cancer in male rats, but scientists claim that people receive much smaller doses and therefore 5G technology should be safer than the previous generations.

Where do the risk and the concerns come from?

5G antennas will be on every vehicle, sensors will be placed on street lights in smart cities, and they will have to be placed in the homes, as millimeter waves can not pass through walls. But these are not the places where most of the radiation will come from. As until now, with 3G and 4G networks, most of the radiation will come from smart phones. Antennas and sensor plates will produce much less radiation compared to phones.

This dispute is ongoing, documents are being submitted throughout the European institutions, but there is no report for the time being, that would confirm for the benefit of either one party. And this uncertainty is ideal for spreading propaganda.

Localized Russian propaganda

Titles such as “If 5G kills birds, it will kill people, too”, “The use of 5G killed over 250 birds in the Netherlands” and similar nebuloses appear in the well-known group of media in the country, and are also transmitted on the social networks, again among circles and groups in which one can notice the admiration of the conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda.

The team of F2N2 investigated these articles globally and came to the following conclusions:

  • 5G doesn’t kill birds

  • In the Netherlands, no birds were harmed

  • A 5G test was carried out in a Dutch Park and it had nothing to do with the bird’s death

  • These articles are made in a series by a fanatic named John Kuhles who has several anti-5G sites and sites with conspiracy theories

  • John Kuhles is the same man who claimed that the heavy fires in California that took human lives were caused directly by a strong energy weapon that was a revenge of the “Ruling Elite” in a country that banned the spread of 5G technology.

Here you can find exposed all false information that is being spread by anti-5G bloggers and propagandists who write about the battered birds and other false massive damages from the introduction of 5G technology.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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