Description of hate speech: A grotesque parade of kitsch, immorality and degenerated scum, aimed at retarding the masses – Livrinski Blog

This text contains comments and positions of one person, an admin of a portal, directed against people with black skin, people with different sexual orientation and other differences.

Various denigrating words and phrases are being used which point to the hate of “the others”, such as “scum”, “human trash”, “Swedes that became black”, “the whore of Babylon”, “until noon they feel as men, in the afternoon as women” etc.


The text that has been published on this medium is absolutely racist, chauvinist, and sexist, and it is not in line with the model of the state that the citizens and the authorities of North Macedonia try to build.

The media are the last ones that should incite intolerance, and that is why this text is a negative example how the media should not behave.

This text incites high level of hate and intolerance of differences, and if it is not strongly condemned, it could cause some unwanted events in such a fragile society as this.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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