On 5 September, FN Project manager Rosana Aleksoska was a speaker on the session "Whole of a society" organized by the Centre for European Perspectives from Slovenia.

Besides Ms. Aleksoska at the event the following experts took part: Alceo Smerili and Siim Kumpas from the European Union External Action (EEAS), Madis Vaikmaa from the Department for strategic communications of the Estonian government and Aleksi Aho from the Hybrid CeO.

The disinformation are just one segment of the malign influence that is coming from authoritarian and illiberal states.

Rosana Aleksoska FN

Ms. Aleksoska presented the main findings from the study underlining that in North Macedonia the Russian influence is present and it is a problem. She further elaborated that Kremlin's and the pro-Russian voices way of functioning in North Macedonia. Furthermore Ms. Aleksoska pointed that the disinformation are just one segment of the malign influence that is coming from authoritarian and illiberal states.

Ms. Aleksoska underscored that if at earliest there is no consensus on the need for inclusion of all societal groups in dealing with the disinformation and foreign malign influence, there will be even greater damage to the already fragile democratic processes in the country.

Alceo Smerili and Siim Kumpas presented the methods of dealing with malign influence of the EU as well asthe ways of monitoring, framing and resilience. Mr. Vikmaa on the other hand, shared the experiences of the Department for stategic communications of the Estonian government, experiences and examples that should be considered as best practices on how the Government of North Macedonia should approach this issue.

As the final speaker, Mr. Stojanovski from the Metamorphosis Foundation presented the Recommendations for Joint action as the starting point for the dialogue between the different stakeholder groups in the society.

The event was participated by representatives of Civil society that work in the field of disinformation, representatives of the media organizations, media, academia and representatives of the Government of North Macedonia.

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This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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