Original title: Vulin in Russia: North Macedonia will “attack” Serbia more often
The text transmits a claim by the Defense Minister of Serbia that there will be uniting of the Albanian territories of several countries in NATO that will lead to the creation of Greater Albania. Therefore, according to him, North Macedonia and Montenegro will be against Serbia in the future.
In the interview for the Russian media below, given during a security conference that took place at the end of April this year in Moscow, the Serbian minister says that if there is uniting of the Albanians and resolving of the Albanian issue, Serbia will seek the resolution of the Serbian issue in Kosovo .
Here the disinformation does not come from the media, at least not for the greater part, but it is a deliberately placed false thesis, a tendentious statement by the Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin.
NATO is an Alliance of sovereign states. There are many examples of NATO member states in which minorities live that are bordering with countries with a majority population of the same ethnicity, and there has never been one initiative or attempt to unite.
Only a few examples will be listed: Czech Republic and Slovakia, Belgium and the Netherlands, Romania and Hungary, Lithuania and Poland, etc. None of these countries, after it became a NATO member, has had a challenge of conjoining of territories or disruption of sovereignty, especially not by ethnicity.
On the contrary, NATO is an additional guarantee for the sovereignty of the member states. This is one of the postulates, the basic foundations of the North Atlantic Treaty, confirmed once again by the Declaration of the last year’s Brussels Summit.
As for Vulin’s claims that in the future Montenegro and North Macedonia will be against Serbia, there are no facts that can be checked, nor does he give reasons that would seem logical. Or, it is questionable why North Macedonia and Montenegro would allow and agree to the creation of Greater Albania in their sovereign territories, about which neither the text, nor the Serbian minister give any answer.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.