Original title: The police was searching for naked pictures in Katica’s phone, and the code was “ Boki 13″ – Twitter is burning!
On 16.07.2019 the portal Skopje 1 has published a series of personal opinions of individuals, shared through personal profiles on social networks. The post with the anonymous opinions was shared through a sensational title, thus manipulatively attracting the public.
Link to the post: Скопје1.мк
The media play a very important role in a society. Because of this fact, they must accept their responsibility.
This is not the only case where the echo of the social media is used by the media for clicks.
The echo of the social networks should not and must not be passed on to the media as news. Especially when it is transmitted through a sensational title in order to attract the public’s attention. The statuses on the social networks are personal opinions of individuals, which can be wrong. That is why transferring personal views is not in the interest of the objective and responsible informing of the public, but on the contrary, fueling speculative theses that can further harm the reality.
The public’s interest in this case is understandable. But speculation and arbitrary attitudes can seriously harm this process. Therefore, the media must carefully inform about this case. Anonymous views and opinions of individuals cannot be an official source for a journalistic research. Personal attitudes and opinions that are spread throughout social networks are not in the interest of responsible and accurate informing of the public, nor are they part of the standards for professional informing through the media.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.