On 07 May 2019, the Pope Francis has arrived in a historic visit to the Republic of North Macedonia. The event got a central focus, both in the country and abroad. In parallel to his visit, besides the official information that were shared with great intensity, the numerous conspiracy theories related to his name were not quieting down.

The latest of these theories has just started to spread in neighboring Serbia, and it continued in our country. The Pope will be killed in Skopje, predicted Nostradamus, says webtribune.rs. The text appeared on 5 May 2019, and it was published by portals in Serbia, but from our country as well.

„A horrible prediction by Nostradamus was discovered: The Pope will be killed in several days in the Dushan’s royal town, and then the World War III will begin” – this is the conspiracy with the prophecy, that was shared by the media in the country as well. The spread of this theory by the media in North Macedonia has started on 06.05.2019, in the beginning with a text that was published on скопјеинфо.мк.

“Roman high priest, be aware not to get close to the town being rinsed by two rivers, because you will spit blood in the month when the roses are blooming” – this is stated in the revived adaptation of the text of the deceased prophet, whose prediction is being decoded on the portals:  магазин.мксигнал.мк and скопје1.мк.

Initially it was believed that Nostradamus has predicted the tragic event would happen in Belgrade. However, the conspirators are refreshing this theory with new data, and according to them Nostradamus was thinking of Skopje since in here two rivers are flowing – Vardar and Treska, and in 1346, the Serbian tsar Dushan was crowned.

It is interesting to be mentioned that there are more than two rivers in Skopje – Vardar, Treska, Lepenec, Markova river and Serava, which means this theory in which Nostradamus has been revived digitally, is wrong.

The portal webtribune.rs who has started the conspiracy spider web with this text, beside this prophecy, unravels other theories. Probably with the aim to achieve larger effect of conspiracy, the portal inserts other black scenarios.

One of these is the scenario by which this country and Kosovo are the locations where the former ISIS fighters are stationed. According to the portal, and shared by ало.рс, this one can bring new wave of violence related with the warnings from ISIS for new attacks in Europe. Nostradamus is being used as spice once again, with aim to intensify this scenario, and it is unraveled with the World War III, that will start exactly in 2019 and exactly with the Pope Francis.

The Pope ended the visit of the Republic of North Macedonia on 7 May 2019. None of the stated conspiracy theories proved true. Dressed in the colors of the Macedonian flag, on the square Macedonia he stated: “The indifference and the accusations should be replaced with sensitivity and hope, the prejudices should be overcome and we should care more about each other. We are hungry for goodness and solidarity. We are used to eating the hard bread of disinformation.




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