On June 26 the portal DokazM published an article titled: SCANDAL: FILIPCHE, LOOK HOW MUCH A CORONA TEST COSTS IN GERMANY AND ANSWER US WHY IT IS SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE HERE?!!! In addition, there is a photo of an invoice for a test with a price of 18,74 euros, based on which a claim was made that the corona test in Germany cost no more than 1000 denars. Later the question is posed: How far does the ridiculousness go in Macedonia? Or maybe we have a better standard?! Yes, for sure !! SHAME ON YOU!!!
Link to original text can be found here.
The portal took the photo from a post on a Twitter profile of certain Igor Chobanovic, who posted it and wrote: “The price of the test in Germany is 20, in Italy 30 and in Serbia 50”.
Without making an additional check on what an unknown person-a private profile claims, the portal published the “information”, also with sharp criticism of the health care system of our country, more precisely, addressed to the Minister of Health Venko Filipche.
But the truth is quite another. Even the very person who has posted the photo with the price of the test, further in the post denies himself, writing that it is a test for detecting the presence of antibodies, which is cheaper and that such a test allegedly in Serbia cost 10 euros, as the site wrote. But the portal did not take into account the remaining comments on the post by people who came from Germany and write what the true cost of the test in Germany, or that the test cost 120 euros, that the price in Austria goes from 120 to 180 euros. Although these are not official sources that can confirm the true cost of tests, however, since it has already taken such a post to make a strong criticism, it should have taken into account the other comments of the people who “testify” about the price.What needs to be known is that it is a test that analyzes the presence of antibodies, that is, a serological test, that is cheaper, but less credible everywhere in the world. Unlike this test, the molecular test detects the presence of the virus and is more expensive because of its higher accuracy and also because of other accompanying costs. But the portal “failed” to state it.
Кај нас цените на тестовите за Ковид -19 се објавени во Соопштение од Фондот за здравствено осигурување, од каде може да се види дека лабораториска услуга за серолошка анализа за присуство на антитела на причинителот на инфекцијата изнесува 1100 денари. Всушност за овој тест станува збор и во виралната фотографија на социјалните мрежи, а која се најде и на портал во нашата земја.
The prices of coronavirus tests in Germany range from 40 euros to over 200 euros.
In our country, the prices of the tests for COVID-19 are published in the annostatement from the Health Insurance Fund, where it can be seen that a laboratory service for serological analysis for the presence of antibodies of the cause of the infection is 1100 denars. In fact, this test is also in the viral photography of social networks, which also found a portal in our country.
Додека пак лабораториска услуга за молекуларна анализа за инфективни причинители, во зависност од техниката и бројот на причинители ( еден, повеќе или цел сет на вируси) кои истовремено се детектираат, цената се движи од 3000 до 5500 денари. Во сумата на овие референтни цени се влезени сите трошоци за извршување на овие здравствени услуги.Сите наведени цени се со партиципација според Одлуката за висина на учеството на осигурените лица во вкупните трошоци на здравствените услуги, а до Фондот се фактурираат без партиципација.
While a laboratory service for molecular analysis of infectious causes, depending on the technique and the number of causes (one, more or order set of viruses) that are simultaneously detected, the price ranges from 3000 to 5500 denars. In the amount of these reference prices, all costs for the execution of these health services have entered. These prices are part of their decision to participate in the amount of insight in the public health costs, and the fund is billed without co-payment.
Such similar theories about lower prices of tests in Germany have been published not only in Serbia and North Macedonia but also in Croatia and were also rejected as incorrect by the Croatian fact-checking service Faktograf.hr.
This is a pure manipulation with the public, in order to trigger discontent and distrust in the system’s institutions.
Portals should transmit accurately and verified information confirmed by reliable evidence, not half-truths or incomplete information that are missing important facts.
The readership should not “fall for” such speculation that can only cause a revolt for no reason. Social networks are a space where a lot of disinformation is shared. So check what you read. Moreover, because not all journalists respect the Journal Code when publishing their own texts.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.