Original title: No Tests for KOVID-19! Global Fascists Put People in Home Jail with Fake Numbers!

The portal Коложек.Инфо, published a text entitled No Tests for COVID-19! Global Fascists Put People in Home Jail with Fake Numbers! Referring to the allegedly in-depth analysis of the Covid-19 tests published by the “From Us to Us Association”, the text says that this only confirms what the world pharmaceutical industry and the WHO, as well as the global fascist governments, have imprisoned their people at home and also they have never argued that the Covid test does not exist and that general generic tests are used to detect respiratory problems that may be due to dozens of other causes, and that the figures justify the arrest of peoples and the collapse of economies and the right of people to feed themselves are more unreliable than prediction of  a fourtune Teller.

 A link to the original text can be found here.


The stated statement is not true and is a serious manipulation of the public, to the detriment of human health.

What the public should know and not allow to be manipulated is the following:


The coronavirus exists

Evidence of this is the over 11 million infected cases worldwide, currently over 500 thousand deaths from coronavirus. The pandemic was declared by the WHO on March 12, 2020.

There are tests for Covid-19

The presence of the virus in the human body is determined through two tests. PCR or molecular test, and serological test or antibody test. So-called PCR tests, which show whether a person is currently infected, are the most commonly used around the world. A serological test is an antibody test that shows if a person has already been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They help determine if there are specific antibodies, immunoglobulins IgM and IgG, that the immune system has produced against the virus.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also provides clear explanations of the types of tests that exist and in which cases they are used.

It is clear that the purpose of this text is to lead the readers to dissatisfaction with the institutions that allegedly lie to us about the truth about the coronavirus, which, in turn, is an inaccurate and manipulative claim. The author intentionally encourages citizens’ distrust of the institutions of the system, which in this case can result in enormous damage to public health.

Let scientists be engaged in their scientific research and achievements. Their efforts to tackle the coronavirus should not be misused in journalistic articles to manipulate the public. The reality unfortunately is that the virus still exists, but also there are tests. It is our duty as citizens to protect ourselves and our loved ones, respecting all health recommendations and protective measures.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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