Title of former articles:

TURKEY WILL SLOW DOWN THE RATIFICATION OF MACEDONIA’S MEMBERSHIP IN NATO: Macedonia must clear things with the FETO in order to become a member of NATO

THERE WAS STILL AN OBSTACLE BY TURKEY FOR OUR MEMBERSHIP IN NATO: Turkey demanded an extradition of the members of FETO, Macedonia is consulting the “Western partners”

In an article of April 6, 2019, the Infomax portal published a statement by the Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska and complements it with a comment in which, as in the title itself (without a question mark), it is concluded that Turkey will slow down the ratification for the membership of North Macedonia in NATO, because of the request by this NATO member to deport the members of FETO who are currently residing and living in North Macedonia, as it is stated in the text. Later on June 25, 2019, in another text, the portal abused parts of an interview with the President Pendarovski, trying to extract the theses that are again in the direction of pointing out to an “obstacle” from Turkey, a disinformation that F2N2 has already revealed.


As the date for the country’s entry into NATO is getting nearer, the Russian propaganda intensifies. The spices are similar now as well, with slightly ethnic aspects with an emphasis on the Albanian issue and of course a crisis. There is no shortage of the conclusion that the Balkan countries that have entered NATO have no benefits, which is certainly not true. According to this, the text is spin.

Referring to the statement of the Russian ambassador in Serbia, Infomax spins that the ethnic problems caused by the ambitions of the Albanians are intensifying in the country. The ambassador states that “In many respects this internal crisis in North Macedonia is related to the one-sided intrusion of the West. ”

This is not true. The media should not lead to conclusions based on someone’s statements. The country’s entry into NATO is not a magic formula for causing any sorts of problems, less than all on an ethnic basis. The whole text is manipulative, full with spins with the already known rhetoric. The purpose of this text is well-thought and misleading the public. This announcement isalso  part of the anti-NATO narrative that has been developing for some time by various portals from the Republic of North Macedonia and beyond, and for which the F2N2 team has previously written about. In the direction of better understanding, we also recommend the experts’ analysis of the Russian influence before Macedonia’s NATO membership.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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