Contradiction news whether the LGBT community flag may be flown on flagpoles in front of the US embassies throughout the world. The US Vice-President Mike Pence has stated that the decision of the President Trump’s administration is that in front of the US embassies only the US flag can be flown.
But it does not mean that, as it was interpreted and fake news shared by the media in the world and in here, the USA would not support the LGBT community within conduct of the Pride Parade.
Hiding behind the news that Washington has provided instruction not to fly officially other flags but only the US flag on the flagpoles in front of the embassies, the media, regular manufacturers of the fake news in R N Macedonia, have instantly shared titles that the US Embassy has not deigned the LGBT community for the Pride Month.
Moreover, the very text, posting an old photo of the embassy, presents a lie that the rainbow flag has not been posted at all on and around the embassy of the US, which, taking into consideration the photo below, published by the official social media profile of the US Embassy in our country, obviously is not the case.
Right on contrary, the President Trump himself, tweeted that USA recognizes the huge contribution of the LGBT community and provides strong support for conduct of the Pride parade.
High number of the US embassies in the world have found a way how to post the LGBT flag during the Pride holiday. The US Ambassador in Berlin, who is gay, stated that instead of a flag, he will hang a huge rainbow banner during the Pride Parade.
The US Embassy in R North Macedonia, as it was stated above, obeying the instructions from Washington, has not posted the LGBT flag on the flagpole in front of the building, but on the wall of the embassy the rainbow flag was flown, and the building was rainbow colored by spotlights.
The US Embassies in the world are required to address Washington to get permission should they want to fly other flag besides the American flag on the flagpoles before the embassies. Part of the US embassies say that until last year, flying of the LGBT community’s flag during the Pride Month was a routine, and starting from this year the embassies did not get permission the LGBT flag to be flown officially on the flagpoles in front of the embassies.
The official position of Washington remains that the LGBT flag can be hanged at any place of the US embassies, but not on the flagpoles where there is a spot only for the US flag.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.