There is a growing debate on the social media that the current situation with the Covid-19 virus is actually just a “trap” to lock people at home, and in the meantime install antennas for 5G technology. Many believe that 5G technology is harmful to human health. One of the many such posts is a video posted from the village of Bogovinje, showing a man working on an antenna. The video, apart on the social networks, was also published by the portal,, on 13.4.2020, with the title: VIDEOS: After installation of 5G antennas in Bogovinje, Tetovo, birds started falling to the ground looking stunned – citizens are alarming. The portal also writes that other videos from Bogovinje have reached them, showing birds with lost consciousness falling to the groundThe video has been downloaded by the portal from social networks. The video was also posted on the Politico Plus Facebook page, where it was shared nearly 800 times.

Regarding the situation in Bogovinje, the mayor of the municipality, Albon Xhemaili, asked for answers from the mobile network operator “A1”.

They categorically denied that the situation in Bogovinje concerns the installation of the 5G network, i.e. that it is about an intervention in order to provide a secure and stable network and continuity in key telecommunication services.

“In this state of emergency, we have noted an increase in the volume of voice traffic as well as increased internet traffic that is notably higher than usual, which is a result of companies adapting to the new situation by working from home and of our customers remaining at home in accordance with the coronavirus protection measures.” The activities of this base station are not related to the introduction or activation of the 5G network, as the frequencies for commercial use of 5G services have not yet been allotted by the Agency for Electronic Communication, it is said in the answer from the mobile network operator “A1”.

A video has also been posted on Haraçina City’s Facebook page showing several animals standing on the road, while the article says it is about the effects of 5G technology. The video has nearly 2,000 shares, while it does not provide any details on where it was recorded and how it was determined that the reason for the animals lying on the road was caused by 5G technology. What can be concluded is that the video was downloaded from Youtube.

Such and similar videos that 5G technology causes the death of birds are not unique to us. Among the most popular misinformation is the news published in the city of Hague in the Netherlands in 2018.

On November 5th, 2018, on her blog “Health Nut News”, Erin Elizabeth tweeted a seemingly disturbing story from the Netherlands entitled “Hundreds of Dead Birds during the 5G Experiment in The Hague, the Netherlands.” According to the writings of the portal Snopes, Elizabeth’s article turned out to be just a recruitment of a large series of Facebook posts made by a man named John Coles, who runs several websites of conspiracy against 5G and social media pages.

What caused the death of the birds in The Hague? Researchers at the University of Wageningen and the Rotterdam Museum of Natural History, after an autopsy on the birds, concluded that the birds died from injuries caused by bumping into various objects (such as tree branches or ground).

It is unknown why the birds bumped onto the ground or in the trees, but it is assumed that the panic in the birds was triggered by the appearance of an owl or some similar predator.


You can read more information about 5G technology at the following link.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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