After 80 years since signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, both Moscow and Russian state media began a disinformation wave. A social media campaign, with the slogan #TruthAboutWWII, was launched and Twitter profiles of Russia’s diplomatic representations are also involved. The campaign aimed to distort history through the manipulation of facts. Nevertheless, Russia now seeks to lay the blame on Poland, the Baltic nations and the Western countries by circulating disinformation and fake news.
This is not the first time that Russia is trying to rewrite history. Simultaneously with the campaign, the Georgian pro-Russian media has actively launched importing the Russian narrative into the Georgian media space. Georgia and the World (has a pro-Russian editorial policy and disseminates fake news), based on learn from the website that the author subscribes to different conspiracy theories. For instance: Yeltsin died in 1996 and was replaced by a doppelganger until 2007), published an article entitled “1939 Polish Shame Prior to the Start of the Second World War”
The same website published the article of Gulbaat Rtskhiladze, founder of the Eurasian Institute, entitled “Who Started the Second World War?” According to the research study of, in 2009 Gulbaat Rtskhiladze founded the Eurasian Institute which blamed Georgia for starting the war against Russia. Mr Rtskhiladze leads the Eurasian Institute’s Public Movement for Georgian-Russian Dialogue and Cooperation project.
You can read the whole article here.
Source: FactCheck
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