The Infomax Portal on 31.10.2019 announced the news of the opening of the company “Baumer” which invested in Macedonia. The text claimed that several foreign languages, including Albanian, were included on the front desk of the event and Macedonian was omitted.


The Albanian language that the author claims to be there, does not at all appear on the chart or the slide. The official languages ​​spoken in Switzerland appear there, the country where the company Baumer that invested in Macedonia originates from, and those are French, Italian, Romansh (a language spoken in the southeastern Swiss canton of Grisons) and German, the languages in which the slide was written, that Infomax misused in order to claim that the Macedonian language was omitted.

The event was attended by both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, but the author of the article was more interested in emphasizing the fact that the Minister for Foreign Investments present, in order to mislead the readers that the Albanian Minister banned posting of the greetings in Macedonian language at the entrance. This is what the portal itself refers to, through a question in some of the text:

Is it because the ministers are ethnic Albanians, is the Macedonian language deliberately omitted?“, says in part of the text.

This article aims to divide society and incite mutual hatred.

After the reactions, the portal deleted the section on the table languages. In the new text is not concerned with languages, but with who is credited with the new investment.




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