Original title: YouTube deletes songs labeled as “Makedonski” (Macedonian)

YouTube started deleting songs containing the word “Македонски” (Macedonian). The Greek diaspora announced that, in accordance with the Prespa Agreement, it will demand from all the online service providers to delete all the content containing the word “Македонски” (Macedonian).

Link to the original article here.

Link to the archived original article here.


The text does not offer any proof that YouTube deleted Macedonian song as a part of the “political actions based on the Prespa Agreement”. Also, there is no proof of an existing statement or a link where one can check whether the Greek diaspora issued such a statement. The Prespa Agreement does not foresee any actions related to this issue. Even if the Greek diaspora demands this, YouTube is a private corporation that cannot abide to such demands, regardless of where they are coming from. Browsing the YouTube in mid-February 2019, one can find an enormous number of songs with the label “Македонски” (Macedonian) as it can be seen here.

The usual practice for manipulation of the readers is by misusing “terms”, in this text “Prespa Agreement”, “Biser Balkanski”, “late authors”, “copyright”, to cause confusion and illogicality. Additionally, this narrative is used for political purposes against The Prespa Agreement.

It’s the same if, for example, you demand from YouTube to remove all songs from David Bowie because you don’t like his music. This is mission impossible of course.




This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.


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