Conspiracy theories about the deadly chemical agent sarin never subside. Every day on social networks we can see a post in which the nerve gas sarin is associated with the coronavirus. Facebook groups are flooded with photos showing white lines appearing in the sky after a plane flies. Those white lines, the so-called “Chemtrails” persistently present themselves as if it were the nerve gas sarin and go so far as to abuse it for both anti-EU and anti-NATO campaigns.
On the social network Facebook there is a group called “STOP ZA 5G MREZATA VO MAKEDONIJA” in which lately everything is shared, except information about the 5G network. For example, you can see countless videos and photos of the sky with white traces of airplanes. Some of the posts have a serious number of shares, i.e., the disinformation reaches many Facebook users. We illustrate such an example below.
The post screenshotted counts over 1,400 shares and 1,200 interactions. The text above the collage of published photos relativizes the severity of the coronavirus, i.e., it is stated that the coronavirus is not dangerous and that it has caused death in very rare cases. The text goes on to say that sarin is actually the cause of death, because it has been dropped by UN planes for the past 20 years. The conspiracy theory continues with the disinformation that the PCR tests gave false results, i.e., that through them DNA was taken from the patients on whom the tests are performed, and the results were stored in DNA banks. People are deliberately manipulated, claiming that the masks do not protect against the virus at all, but that they served to maintain discipline and create a slave psychology in people – nothing more than a conspiracy theory. You can read about the harmfulness, danger, and disinformation about sarin gas at the following link.
In the same group, there is a trend of news, specifically misinformation arising from Serbian or Croatian media / citizens.
Such statements have no purpose other than to incite distrust in the institutions, and at the same time the imagination for misinformation when it comes to the EU and NATO is at an enviable level. NATO and the EU are presented in a black light and are labeled as the main culprits for everything.
What is realistic is the fact that a person who has been directly exposed to sarin has a very small chance of survival if he does not receive proper treatment in a short time.
All this disinformation related to the agent sarin and “chemtrails” are nothing more than conspiracy theories aimed at creating panic and unrest among citizens.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.